Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Day In the Life

10:15 7/6 Float depth 5.5" CF = 22 Checked the garden and found two little squash starting out. It's interesting to watch the birds spook out of the garden when they see me coming. They like it there because I turn the sprinkler on and they have a cool place to hang out. There are also lots of bugs buzzing around the squashs' big yellow flowers.

14:00 7/6 Float depth 5.25" CF = 25 and it is hot outside.
17:50 7/6 Float depth 5.0" CF = 26/27 the depth measurement are likely a little uncertain since I'm making them by putting my finger on the dipstick (my conductivity instrument) where the water hits it when it is against the bottom of the kiddie pool.

19:30 7/6 Float depth 4.75" CF=28

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