Saturday, August 14, 2010

Took about thirteen tomatoes today

System was down to a depth on the shallow side of about an inch and a half with a CF = 27 so I topped it off and added 2 cups of concentrate.


Totals: G: 64 5/8 ounces; F: 74 7/8 ounces.
8/14 G: Dona 3 at 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 4 5/8 for a total of 9 at 24 ounces.
8/14 G:Atkinson/AL 2 both 5 ounces for total 7 at 40 5/8 ounces.
8/11 G: Corn picked three total now 5. and likely only a couple more.
8/14 F: 7 Dona 3/4, 1 3/8, 1, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 2 3/8, 3 3/4 for a total of 20 at 31 ounces.
8/14 F: 1 Atkinson/AL 7 1/2 ounce for a total 7 at 43 7/8 ounces.

No one has mentioned to me that I was putting up the dates incorrectly ... so I fixed it today for this post and hopefully I'll be paying more attention going forward. I should mention too that the Dona/Atkinson/AL distinctions are sort of arbitrary because I'm really sorting the data more or less by weight where <>= 5 is Atkinson/AL.

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