Sunday, August 15, 2010

Seven More Tomatoes

A little rain tempered the transpiration. This afternoon the CF = 27 and it was about three inches deep. We'll see how it does tomorrow. Meanwhile I think it is interesting that the float system is currently more productive in weight than the garden. The garden actually has more tomato plants about 14 than the float system which has 10 and they were planted the same day.

Totals: G: 75 1/8 ounces; F: 94 1/2 ounces.
8/15 G: Dona 3 at 4 3/8, 2, 4 1/8 for a total of 12 at 34 1/2 ounces.
8/15 F: Dona 2 at 1 3/8, 5 for a total of 22 at 37 3/8 ounces.
8/15 F: Atkinson/AL 2 at 6 1/4, 7 for a total of 9 at 57 1/8 ounces.
8/14 G: Dona 3 at 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 4 5/8 for a total of 9 at 24 ounces.
8/14 G:Atkinson/AL 2 both 5 ounces for total 7 at 40 5/8 ounces.
8/11 G: Corn picked three total now 5. and likely only a couple more.

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